# This is the config file that needs to be edited # to run a WRF atmospheric model # using https://github.com/desertfireballnetwork/data-pipeline_WRF # EVENT ID # Event ID is used as an internal identifier for the event # Needs to be a reasonable folder name: # - somehow contain a big endian date of the event # - POSIX compliant # - no spaces # example: "DN200619_01_Madura_Cave" EVENT_ID="EVENT_ID_PLACEHOLDER" # LATITUDE # Centre latitude of the requested window # North positive, degrees [-90,90] EVENT_LAT="EVENT_LAT_PLACEHOLDER" # LONGITUDE # Centre longitude of the requested window # East positive, degrees [-180,180] EVENT_LON="EVENT_LON_PLACEHOLDER" # DATE/TIME # Time of the event # Usually time of the fireball (does not really matter whether beginning or end) # ISO 8601 UTC "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS" (rounded to the second) # example: "2016-06-05T06:12:55" EVENT_TIME="EVENT_TIME_PLACEHOLDER"